Community Corrections PREA Tip

 Step 1 of 1

To download a copy of this form, click here. Fill out and return to Lori Speer, the PREA Coordinator, at the Community Corrections office.

This form can be used to submit PREA tips for Greene County Community Corrections. If this crime is occurring right now, or if this is an emergency please call 911 immediately. We appreciate all tips. All tips will be investigated to the fullest extent possible. Even if you wish to remain anonymous, we ask that you provide us with a way to contact you in case we need may need further information. However your contact information is not required.
If the victim wishes to remain anonymous, please complete the form to the best of your ability including any additional information that may be helpful to the investigation.

* Denotes a required field

Submit A PREA Tip

Requested By:



Contact's Phone 
-- ext
Do you wish to remain anonymous?*
Date of Suspected Activity 
Please click Submit when finished.