Counsel in the Court




—for Family Law Cases—


     Free help with COURT FORMS and BRIEF LEGAL ADVICE


Brief advice and help from volunteer Attorneys and Law Students




2nd and 4th Thursdays *except county holidays

11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

2nd floor of the Courthouse


To be eligible you must:

  • Not already have an Attorney, and
  • Be a party to, or intending to file, a family law case in Greene County


Family law includes:

                        child custody   parenting time   support   paternity

                        divorce   guardianships   adoption   name change

                        protection orders


Please note that the legal assistance provided is only brief advice and help with forms and the attorney will not represent you beyond the brief advice delivered during the advising session. The help and advice will generally not be a substitute for full representation by an attorney.


            If other parties are waiting, advice may be limited to 20 minutes.


**Please bring any paperwork relevant to your case**