Building Corporation


The purposes of the Greene County Building Corporation are:

  1. to purchase, sell, and lease Real Estate;
  2. to construct improvements on Real Estate;
  3. to issue and sell bonds and other securities;
  4. in all respect to act in all matters as a not-for-profit corporation qualifying as a lessor corporation under IC 36-1-10-21 for the purpose of financing and constructing public works to be utilized in the governmental operations of Greene County, Indiana; and
  5. to perform any other purposes consistent with IC -36-1-10-1 et seq.


The Board of Directors shall have and exercise all the powers of the Corporation as provided by law, by Articles of Incorporation, or by the Code of By-Laws, but subject to any restrictions provided by law.

There shall be three Directors of the Corporation, which number may from time to time be increased or decreased by Resolution adopted by not less than a majority of the Board of Directors, subject to the limitation that the Board shall never be reduced to less than three nor increased to more than nine Directors. In the event the number of Directors is increased, the appointment of the additional Director or Directors shall be by the Board of Commissioners of Greene County, Indiana. Each Director shall serve for a term of four years or until his/her successor is appointed and qualified. Incumbent Directors shall be eligible for reappointment and the number of years a person may serve as a Director are not limited.

Directors Appointing Body Term Expiration
Stephen B. Schantz, President County Commissioners 12/31/2023
Thomas R. Pafford, Vice President County Commissioners 12/31/2023
Tim E. Barker, Secretary County Commissioners 12/31/2023


The Greene County Building Corporation conducts all meetings subject to the provisions of the Indiana Open Door Law. Meetings are held as necessary on the fourth Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, on the third floor of the Greene County Courthouse, 1 East Main Street, Bloomfield, Indiana.

Contact Us: Address
Marvin R. Abshire, County Attorney Greene County Attorney's Office  1 East Main Street
Phone: 812-384-0081 Courthouse, Room 325
Fax:  812-384-0070 Bloomfield, IN 47424
Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00